3 definitions by NordicNames

Sweet and open minded nordic girl.
Bjartey always tries to understand others feelings and finds it easy to feel what others feel. Bjartey has an extremely big heart and makes sure no one is hurting others.
"Thank you Bjartey for helping me understand how that hurt his feelings!"
by NordicNames December 24, 2018
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Bjartey, extremly kind and gentle with others, and very in touch with her own and other feelings. She understands every point of view on everything and, has an extremely open mind.
"Bjartey always understands what im going through"
by NordicNames December 24, 2018
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Bjartey is one of the sweetes girls you could ever meet. You can talk about anything with her for hours and she will still listen with interest. She is very open minded, and understands others feelings very well. If you have a Bjartey in your life, make sure you treat her with kindness, and remind her of how worthy she is.
"Bjartey is so strong and independent, but small and fragile at the same time"
"I look up to Bjartey she always puts others before herself
by NordicNames December 24, 2018
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