1 definition by Noodlesnooddl


Well, edom can be a trickster something but I love her anyway. She can treat you like a BOOMER FOR NOT KNOWING YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN WORDS ON URBAN DICTIONARY! But I forgive you. I really do. She is so authentic in a way that no one can reach that strong feeling that she puts into everything. She is so awkward when boys hit on her because she doesn't realize how magnetic she is and yet she remains a mystery to them. she is so precise and on point. She is fragile and delicate but on the spot light, she is amazing. She was a tough nut to crake and I'm not giving up on my quest on making her admit that anime guys are hot OK.
This is too long.

Love u edom my best friend
by Noodlesnooddl January 25, 2021
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