2 definitions by Noia

To bring a mobile gaming device into the bathroom and play while taking a shit.
Magnus: "Dan, where have you been the last 20 minutes?"
Dan: "I was poopgaming and got a new high score!"
by Noia June 30, 2011
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Letting out a fart that changes so much in pitch that it sounds like a Jimmy Hendrix guitar solo
Jacob: Hey Magnus, I just had the best fart in the bathroom
Magnus: Awesome, loud?
Jacob: Loud and a propper "The wind cries Mary"
Magnus: What?
Jacob: (does airguitar moves and makes guitar noices) You know changing the pitch so that it sounds like a propper guitar solo, The Jimmy Hendrix Experience
Magnus: (rolling on the floor laughing) hahahahaha
by Noia November 8, 2013
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