2 definitions by NoThisIsPatrick

The killing of all 'SwagFags and Hipsters' unlike its cousin, the Holocaust, the yolocaust is considered by many to be good; successful.
*News Reporter*
"Live now from downtown L.A, the Yolocaust has begun, with more that 100 hipsters already presumed dead in Forever 21, snapbacks and fake glasses littering the streets"

Nick- Finally!
by NoThisIsPatrick February 5, 2013
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The act of applying habañero hot sauce to one's scrotum (usually amongst friends) in order to gain unlimited man points. Usually combated by dunking one's scrotum into a cup of milk when the pain becomes too unbearable.
At the party last night, Fred pulled off a ballbañero for two hours before giving in to the cow juice.
by NoThisIsPatrick August 29, 2010
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