1 definition by NoTammyNO

AN EX WHO IS PURE EVIL. One with whom you have a volatile and toxic relationship with. One who manipulates their victim with marathon sex sessions, checks back in when you're happy and blows your happiness up just for fun- like a cat plays with a mouse before killing it. An ex you have such an extensive toxic history with and who that history is such pure awfulness with that you can just SENSE their energy and presence and treachery are afoot..
Ron Swanson:

“Look, Tammy and I don’t work. We are oil and water. Or oil, and TNT, and C4, and a detonator, and a butane torch. Nothing good will come-”

(Ron interrupts himself)

Ron Swanson:


(Alarmed, he stands up and looks around his office)

Ron Swanson:

“She’s here, isn’t she?”
by NoTammyNO December 30, 2019
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