1 definition by Nioke <3

Trigger warnings are content warnings put before a photo, video, gif, statement, link, or otherwise. There are two types of trigger warnings (listed below):
1. Non-emotional trigger warning.

These are trigger warnings, usually put before videos or gifs but can also be put before statements, pictures, and links, to warn people with physical disabilities that there could be something triggering for their condition ahead. This includes but is NOT limited to a flashing light warning for individuals with photosensitive epilepsy or a warning for people with Tourette’s or other tic syndromes.
2. Emotional and Offense trigger warning.

These types of trigger warnings are for individuals who are easily offended so that they know not to continue because this type of content isn’t intended for them or for individuals PTSD who may not be able to emotionally handle sensitive topics such as depression, suicide, rape, and more.
1. Broad: “Trigger warning/TW: the following video may be trigger to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.”
2. Non-emotional: “Trigger warning/TW: The following link redirects you to a video with flashing lights. This may be triggering for individuals with Photosensitive Epilepsy or other disorders. Viewer discretion is advised.”
3. Emotional: “Trigger warning/TW: The following statements include graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse, rape, sexual assault, gore, and more. This may be triggering for individuals with PTSD or other disorders. Viewer discretion is advised.”
by Nioke <3 August 7, 2021
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