1 definition by NintendoFan

The "Console War" is a period of intense marketing cometition between Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and each companys respective fanbase. Despite most anti-fanboy speculation, the "console war" is a wonderful thing, in the sense that it brings out the best in every company. Long live Nintendo, long live the "Console War".
NintenDrone: Hey guys I was just playing Mario Galaxy, want to Co-Star?
PSTool: That is so "kiddy".
XBot: Like LittleBigPlanet is any better, I wouldnt be caught dead playing either.
PSTool: At least we have Mature-Rated games unlike that "kiddy" BS Wii.
XBot: I agree.
NintenDrone: There is a difference between "kiddy" and Family-Freindly retard. Oh and have you ever heard of a little game called No More Heroes.

These arguments are the reason games like Super Mario Galaxy, MGS4, and Halo 3 exist.

I salute you "Console War".
by NintendoFan December 13, 2009
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