1 definition by Nikkon

Greebo was originally a word meaning bikers on big harleys that usually have long hair. Now it generally anyone who has a life, me being an art student get called a 'greebo' for wearing normal not-baggy yet not-tight clothes.
'Greebo's are the peace-keepers reguardless of the fact that they are the ones looking intimidating.
Experiment: Walk around uptown and see how many people insult me wearing different clothing
Results-BAGGY CLOTHING: I was shouted at many-a-time by yobs, things like 'Greeb' 'greb' 'fuckin gareebo'. When I replied i got told to 'shut the fuck up you stupid ginge' (i dye my hair bright red)
Results-NORMAL CLOTHING: Generally the same. No difference at all. People shouting at me, insulting, etc
Results-BURBERRY CLOTHING: I didnt get shouted at, not even once, I even got asked out by this moron with his eyebrow pierced.
END OF TEST RESULTS CONCLUSION: Yobs must be shot on sight, not the townies because some have proven to be good friends reguardless of what people look like.
by Nikkon August 18, 2004
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