2 definitions by Nigohaterofthecentury69

A guy named Viktor who is a blondie and likes blondies. He plays way too much Nba 2k and really hates people from Lithuania who play 2k because the often got better internet than him. This guy also really loves his moms credit card and often buys clothes on it and also link it to a electric scooter app to ride the electric scooters
Why is he screaming so loud in 2k, he must be a Viktor
by Nigohaterofthecentury69 September 10, 2019
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Fag or a person who is so dumb that he couldn't wipe his ass himself, but the only talent that he has is very sad and dangerous and that is chugging energy drink from Sweden called nocco
by Nigohaterofthecentury69 September 6, 2019
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