5 definitions by Nick Petrowski

When a girl sits on your legs, and jerks you off as if it was her own cock. Cums on your body, you own semen (of course,) and then lays down on top of you creating a cum sandwich.
Vicky gave Dani a ‘frito lay’ last night and she loved it more than a bag of corn chips.”
by Nick Petrowski August 29, 2019
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When your boy stretches his ball sack around your erect peen
"Oh Herschel, this Pecker's Fedora looks so good, I wish I could wear it to the club"
by Nick Petrowski December 6, 2020
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When your shit is seemingly solid, but upon flushing or elongated floating, it fills the bow like a plume of desert sand.
I thought I was had a good shit this morning, but it turns out it was a full on sandstorm
by Nick Petrowski October 16, 2020
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When your shit is seemingly solid, but upon flushing or elongated floating, it fills the bow like a plume of desert sand.
I thought I was had a good shit this morning, but it turns out it was a full on sandstorm
by Nick Petrowski October 16, 2020
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To ejaculate and excrete seem from ones peepee
You know what takes self control? Seeming into your own hand, and NOT eating it.
by Nick Petrowski January 16, 2021
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