2 definitions by Nick O

The act of dancing where only men are involved. Also, a dance floor full of men. Generally, the DJ (or one of the man-dancers) will yell out "MAN DANCE!!" and all the women will have to exit the dance floor and watch from the sidelines, much in the fashion of a lifeguard blowing a whistle to signal the start of an adult swim. The females then observe the dance moves of the males, selecting their mate based upon what they see.
Last night the whole club erupted into a man dance, and sure enough, Jessica saw my moves and was thoroughly impressed!
by Nick O October 30, 2007
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The act of dancing where only men are involved. Also, a dance floor full of men. Generally, the DJ (or one of the man-dancers) will yell out "MAN DANCE!!" and all the women will have to exit the dance floor and watch from the sidelines, much in the fashion of a lifeguard blowing a whistle to signal the start of an adult swim. The females then observe the dance moves of the males, selecting their mate based upon what they see.
Last night the whole club erupted into a man dance, and sure enough, Jessica saw my moves and was thoroughly impressed!
by Nick O October 4, 2007
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