171 definitions by Nicholas D

To express dissatisfaction by quitting or leaving. Usually used in the context of a job.
Boss: "As you know, it's been a tough year. We've lost $4 billion. So your bonus this year is going to be...um...negative $100,000. So if you would be so kind as to go ahead and return the full amount of every paycheck you've received this year, that would be greeeeaaat, m'kay?"
Subprime mortgage trader: "What? That's not fair! It's not my fault! You're the one who decided to buy all those Ninja loans, CDOs, and Bear Stearns shares!"
Boss: "Too bad, chief. If you don't like it, vote with your feet."

Paul McCartney: "Bloody hell, woman - what's taking so long? Get me that sammich now!"
Heather Mills: "You can't treat me like this! I'm your wife, not your slave!"
Paul McCartney: "I'm Paul McCartney, bitch! If you've got a problem, vote with your feet! Oops, I mean vote with your FOOT...hahahahahahaha! "

(NOTE: for those who don't know, Heather Mills had her left leg amputated)
by Nicholas D March 25, 2008
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1) When you tuck your shirt back into your pants after just having shat (taken a shit).
2) One of the main streets in Berkeley, CA.
Buddy: "Isn't it weird how Berkeley named its main street after the act of rearranging your clothing after taking a shit?"
Guy: "Not weird at all. When you walk down the street you're guaranteed to see at least one bum pooping out in the open, so seeing a shattuck is pretty common on Shattuck Ave."
by Nicholas D October 14, 2019
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another name for a full house in poker.
"Ace high flush! Pay up, bitch!"
"Not so fast, motherfucker! I've got the boat."
"Damn nigga!"
by Nicholas D October 27, 2003
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A mildly offensive term that refers to a beirut or beer pong shot that misses back and to the left like John F. Kennedy's head did when he was shot (which supports the grassy knoll theory). Typically results from excessive follow-through from a right-handed shooter.
When Steve was starting his shot on the last cup, Tim shouted, "Your mom!" at precisely the right moment. This shocking insult hit too close to home and caused Steve to overdo his throwing motion, unleashing a wicked kennedy arm that sailed back and to the left of the cups.
by Nicholas D January 6, 2012
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To discreetly sneak away with the hopes of going unnoticed.
Darren was supposed to be manning the fire station emergency phones all night, but around 7 he decided to steal off for an hour or so to catch the 2-for-1 happy hour lapdance special at the Boom-Boom Room.
by Nicholas D November 23, 2007
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The politically correct term for a postal worker. The old offensive term is “mailman” but “mail” is sexist because it sounds like “male” and “man” is obviously sexist to female or non-binary postal workers.
Female postal worker: “I’m here to bring you your 25 annoying unsolicited Capital One offers for the day! Enjoy tossing these straight in the recycling bin.”
Guy: “Thanks! You’re my favorite mailwoman!”
Female postal worker: “Um...excuse me! Did you say MALE woman? I do not identify as male, you sexist pig.”
Guy: “Heavens to Betsy! How could I be so insensitive? I mean you’re my favorite personperson.”
Female postal worker: “That’s much better.”
by Nicholas D March 21, 2020
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Starting something suddenly; the opposite of cold turkey.
Sean: "Dude, have you started smoking yet?"
Jeff: "No, but I'll do it soon."
Sean: "Come on, man! You said you'd do it by Thanksgiving and it's past New Year's now."
Jeff: "It's just too hard doing it hot turkey! Maybe I should start chewing Nicorette gum first."

Turk #1: "Have you switched from hot turkey to cold turkey sandwiches yet? It's almost summer here in Turkey and it's getting too hot for hot turkey."
Turk #2: "Yeah, I just quit hot turkey cold turkey in cold Turkey and now I'm starting cold turkey hot turkey in cold Turkey."
Turk #1: "Right on."
by Nicholas D March 17, 2009
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