3 definitions by Nice kitty.

Someone who would chat up practically anything with a pulse, also likely to get off on anything stumbled accross in picture/ vid/ dvd form if apparent that it would have a pulse!
Be careful, x has been known to be a real pulsator.
by Nice kitty. January 18, 2005
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1.Short for whopping, meaning big/ large.
2.Also defining an act of violence.
3.Big banging sound.
1.'Move your big fat whop ass'.
2.'I wanna whop him/ her..'
by Nice kitty. January 17, 2005
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Indiginous word meaning flower. (I was once told this by a friend, and never forgot).
'Look at the pretty blooming boong'.
'Let's pick a boong to put in the vase'.
'What a lovely boong garden'.
by Nice kitty. January 18, 2005
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