2 definitions by Neil Manhattan's West Village

Stands for Post Quarantine After Party (PQAP).

After any lockdown, members of society slowly get more stir crazy as if they are bubbles in a shaken champagne bottle. As restrictions wind down, the relief of lockdown ending turns into a massive worldwide party known as PQAP. Bottles are popped, streets are filled with celebration, and for many months the world is in pure, unadulterated exhilaration.

PQAP will put the 1970s to shame.
I started my PQAP in May of 2020, but I think everyone else is starting their PQAP this summer. Everyone better wear their raincoats because PQAP is going to get moist.
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A Spotify bomb is when you utilize one of the other locations your Spotify account is linked to play (such as someone else's apartment, someone else's TV, someone else's car radio) and start playing a song to surprise or scare the other person.
Man, I totally Spotify bombed Maria last night. I think her cat jumped into the ceiling. She's so pissed, but she doesn't know how to de-link her TV from my account.
by Neil Manhattan's West Village February 26, 2019
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