2 definitions by Nearly Normal

n. pluralization of sperm that acknowledges the proper respect and appreciation for the unique individuality and courageous fortitude of each little swimmer
As the sperms of Marcus catapulted from his sausage pistol like roundhouse kicks from Chuck Norris, he cried: "Swim! Swim bravely and courageously, my million different unique and individual sperms! While there is no I in TEAM, only one of you may claim the prize!"
by Nearly Normal January 21, 2009
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v. to make a hasty exit whilst in the act of intercourse
sexited; sexiting
Marcus, coming to the realization that a violent and copious ejaculation was imminent, make a quick sexit so as to distribute his sperms in a more visually appealing manner.
by Nearly Normal January 20, 2009
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