3 definitions by Narwhal Rider

In the literal sense, something utterly uncomfortable and unnatural--an aberration. In addition, a complete asshole; someone whose presence makes you wish time travel existed so you might jump back to their conception and prevent it. A total cunt.
"You're such a fucking twat knuckle."

"My twat knuckle is really achy today!"
by Narwhal Rider March 3, 2009
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A tower of farts, like piled pancakes or smokestacks. Moreover, someone who's noxious, unbearable, and downright disgusting.
"Your mom is a fart stack."

"Ugh, I laid the most rancid fart stack earlier."
by Narwhal Rider March 3, 2009
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Literally, the act of mastering shat; asserting your natural authority over God's putty; indulging in a dance under chocolate rain. Also, dominating a predictably submissive William Shatner.
"Wow, I had no idea you were into shat mastering... Are you busy tonight?"

"Look at that shat master! He's totally giving it to the Shat!!"
by Narwhal Rider March 3, 2009
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