3 definitions by NarutoBleachFairyTailOnePiece

When you watch fairy tail and notice that everyone in the guild is so nice and friendly to each other, leaving you depressed and questioning whether or not you have any real friends.
I'm getting a serious case of fairy tail syndrome because of the powerful themes of friendship in that show.
by NarutoBleachFairyTailOnePiece December 30, 2016
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When someone is so fixated on their goal that they will leave everything else behind in order to achieve it, no matter what the potential risks are of doing that.
Guy 1: I should drop out of high school to focus on becoming famous on YouTube.

Guy 2: Sounds like you have sasuke uchiha syndrome.
by NarutoBleachFairyTailOnePiece December 30, 2016
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