2 definitions by NUGGET OF THE CHICKEN

She is an extremely sassy girl, she is really funny, and always has your back. Sometimes she can be a jerk if you turn her down. If you are on her good side, she is always there and down to chill, but if you are on her bad side, it's like hell, not to mention she is a boss at silent treatments.
person 1"What did I do to upset Aili?"
person 2"Idk"
person 1"She is giving me the silent treatment, It's scary"
peson 2"LOL"
by NUGGET OF THE CHICKEN February 22, 2018
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A girl who drifts away from reality, usually a great drawer. She is sweet and kind, and is always there for you. Everyone thinks she is the happiest girl alive, but she never shares her problems with her friends because she is always helping them with their problems, and she has the most beautiful smile that no one can resist. Morgan is the best person in the world.
"Morgan gives great advice!"
"I Know!"
by NUGGET OF THE CHICKEN February 22, 2018
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