1 definition by NOTTHEMAJORITY

I've been reading a lot of entries, and I'm noticing how similar they are. Either "OMFG SLIPKNOT ROOLZ" or "Slipknot fans are all greasy, fat, and have no sense of music and have OBVIOUSLY not listened to oldschool shit." Now, this is not going to be one of those definitions.

I like Slipknot. I like Slipknot, System of a Down, but yet I like Metallica, Children of Bodom, and what many of you "metalheads" would call "Real metal." Isn't metal just all about the same "fuck you" attitude? Who doesn't love a bad boy/girl?

I'm not your typical "Slipknot" fan, even though they are one of my favorites. I'm not greasy, I shower every day or every second day, thank you very much. I never even heard of hot topic until my boyfriend (who loves Slipknot as well) told me what it was. Never been inside a Hot Topic, either.

I like hippy music, death metal, "real" metal, "nu" metal, oldies, etc. I like anything. I was a jazz player for a short amount of time.

A lot of you bash Joey Jordison, as well. Let's see you do better. Let's see you take some drum sticks and pound out one of his riffs. Can you do it? No, thought not. I'm a drummer. I know how hard it is to go THAT fast. And it's REALLY hard. He's pretty good, and he stands for a lot of cool things, if you actually TOOK the time to research your shit before you talk.

I'm not a typical "maggot" I've heard of the old stuff, I know what M.F.K.R means (MATE, FEED, KILL, REPEAT), bitches. My hair is not 2 feet long, I've got a pixie cut. I'm into all the oldies and the new stuff, because I actually HAVE a wide musical taste. I'm an art student who is actually quiet and doesn't yell about Slipknot and Nu Metal every second minute, though I do enjoy my band shirts.

Don't be so quick to label Slipknot fans. Or Nu Metal fans, for that matter. Because odds are some will receed from the majority. Just don't label, period.

"you're just a braindead maggot. Have you heard of Metallica, Children of Bodom, Slayer, etc?"

"Yes. And I enjoy all of them, INCLUDING Slipknot"


"Think before you label, bitches."
by NOTTHEMAJORITY November 24, 2007
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