3 definitions by NESticle

Short for thumbed meaning thumbs down, this is the most condescending insult imaginable which dates back to Roman times. thmd is often referred to as a pride-obliterating bitch slap.
A: "yo how do you beat the first level of tetris."
B: "thmd."

C: "above example thmd."
by NESticle December 10, 2005
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Began as a nickname for the XBOX 360 core system because only tards and clueless parents buy it. It has now transformed into an insult and used as a variation of tard.
Nice highwaters tard pack.
by NESticle January 2, 2006
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Essentially used to mean anything crappy or shitty.
Wow, your 7,2 offsuit is stains.
by NESticle March 22, 2006
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