17 definitions by NCdubmixer

The hair that grows on a woman's thighs when she gets lazy and only starts shaving her legs to right above the knee.
A few months after I started seein' her, she got lazy with the razor and came at me w/ chew-boxers.
by NCdubmixer July 24, 2009
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Being creepy to the point where it becomes a noteworthy trait.
"Mary unfriended Chris on facebook. She went so far as to block Jim."
"Yeah, Jim's def got Creep Cred is she blocked him!"
by NCdubmixer December 16, 2014
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To leave the TV on a channel that annoys someone else in the house when turning off the TV.
I get SO mad when I see the Lifetime network everytime I turn the tv on. I started Leaving the seat up on the TiVo and changing the channel to NFL Network before I turn the TV off.
by NCdubmixer February 6, 2011
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