1 definition by NAP.0112

Clement is a boy who’s always lazy but curious at all things. Definitely play a lot of games….uh but he loves PUBG the most. And he looks so mf good, he’s so hottttt. He’s kinda tall, he likes short girls. Clement is a caring boy. Always asking for homework answers to his friends. He doesn’t like smokes, tattoos and stuff. Never been serious (?) I mean, he changed his girl crush every week/month which is so weird. The thing is that he knows if i have a crush on him for a few years, BUT he’s not paying attention (because i’m not a short girl). He really loves Miti (idk it was like VTuber, u could search as Mythia Batford). He went to school once a year (he’s lazy, so he just join the Online Classes). He really loves lofi music. He always use Discord to communicate with each other. I think that was enough. For anyone who’ll be his girlfriend, i think u need to read this. Oh lastly, he loves cat. Ok thank u.
Love you, Clement. -NA.
by NAP.0112 November 21, 2021
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