1 definition by N.A.V.I.

New. Fresh. Mint. Newfreshmint- a prequel and sequel to “refreshment”.
Sugar Daddy: “How’s my boy doin’”
Sug. Baby: “After those new (insert expensive product) are delivered, I’ll be out of the box”

Bartholomew of the Eleventh House of Durbenshire Upon Avon: “Here’s your water, my friend.”
Bob: ::chugs water:: ::breathes heavily:: ::breathes heavily again:: :: and again:: “Oh my god. Thank you, Durby- running 6,000 miles can really wear a person out.. but this refreshment put me right back out of the box. I’m going to kiss you now.”
Durby: “... wait, what?..”
Durby: “.. Do it.”
by N.A.V.I. January 15, 2022
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