1 definition by MysteriousFlower

A super woman mom. Stereotyped as a stay-at-home mom who is overprotective of her children. In reality works a difficult job that doesn't pay enough. Then after working all day to pay her kids' phone bills, switches from her work car to her sky blue minivan to run her nightly bus route. She takes her kids and everyone else's to a ton of activities. She volunteers to chaperone and helps in any way possible. Finally she picks everyone up from their activities and takes 30-60 min to drop all of the other kids off. Then she finally gets to take her own kids home. Instead of going to bed or relaxing, she cleans and cooks before finally collapsing on the couch in exhaustion. A few hours later, she gets up and does it all over again. Her weekends are spent in other cities and states sitting through soccer games and tournaments. Hates to ask for help from others, but always ask if others need help.
Soccer moms are amazing!
by MysteriousFlower July 1, 2017
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