1 definition by MyNameMeansDirt:)

Kirsty is a person of unparalleled brilliance and beauty. She lights up a room with her smile, and her presence is comforting, and strengthens all those around her. She has a great sense of humour and wit, and everything she says and does is done to perfection. She tends to be on the shy and modest side, but when she opens up, she is not only interesting, but kind and caring. When she smiles at you, you gain this sense of protection, ad you know that nothing can possibly go wrong. Her beauty shows not just outside, but inside as well. If you are ever lucky enough to befriend such a person, never let her go, because you will find that there is nothing that can even come close to matching her perfection. She is a marvel, and you will find that she will change you for the better. When you embrace a Kirsty, never before will you have felt so right, so cared for. Being with a Kirsty brings you nothing but happiness, and every moment away from her is agony. If you ever find yourself in love with a Kirsty, don’t be afraid to admit it, because it is the greatest feeling a person can experience :3
This girl is perfect, she must be a Kirsty...
by MyNameMeansDirt:) September 25, 2011
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