2 definitions by MyMomWontStopWatchingCopShows

An old console with long rectangular remotes that Nintendo stopped producing for because they have a bad business plan and stop making games for their consoles whenever they have an idea for a new one.
Person 1: Hey man, want to play on my WiiU?
Person 2: What? WiiU is so outdated. We should play on my Nintendo switch instead!
Person 1: *cries*
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When you are unable to get sleep. Can be caused by depression, racing thoughts, or just refusing to.

But seriously, why are you looking this up? If you're reading this late at night, please try to sleep.
Person 1: Goes to the kitchen to get breakfast:
Person 1's Mom: My dear, you have such large eyebags under your eyes!
Person 1: Yeah, mom, I'm one of many with sleeplessness.
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