7 definitions by My defintions not yours

Dale is the Male version of the Karen. That's it. That's the tweet. Made by Tex Texas on YouTube.:)
Dude, you are a Dale, you might as well go find a Karen to have sex with.
by My defintions not yours June 27, 2020
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Being heightist against small people taunting small people, offensive slang midget
That's Midgetist.
by My defintions not yours July 6, 2020
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When lying becomes an activity, call it CAPTIVITY!
Bro, fuck all this captivity. I'm done with people lying to me all the time.
by My defintions not yours November 29, 2019
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When a brother & sister have incest sex & produce a baby, it is of the son's sperm from the family & the daughter's ovaries that made the slaughter (son of family having sex with the daughter of family equals slaughter regardless of the sex of the child, they are considered a slaughter) (son+daughter=slaughter)
Akhenaten (King Tut's father) & The Young Lady (King Tut's mother) were in fact, siblings, (brother & sister)(son & daughter), that had incest sex & were burdened with King Tut (the byproduct of the son & daughter in their royal family from incest, therefore King Tut was the Slaughter of his royal family.)
by My defintions not yours June 14, 2020
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