2 definitions by Muiz the mighty migrant

Derogatory term for the white man who continues to oppress my people on the reg. Alternately, one who swims in soup, ie. a cracker.
"Man, the jury ain't nothin' but a bunch of soup swimmers! And I thought they suppose to be my peers!"

"Man, you all ain't nothin' but a bunch of peezy headed soup swimmin' ass nappy hair havin' cracka' motha' fuckas'!"
by Muiz the mighty migrant November 14, 2005
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One who purchases the most expensive, (not necessarily the best), gear, vehicle, clothing, etc., without the will or skill to use it. The purchase is made in an attempt to appear "cool" or to regain one's lost youth.
"Shannon's dad has a 911 Turbo, a Ducati, and a KTM that he never uses. What a gyroped!"
by Muiz the mighty migrant November 14, 2005
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