3 definitions by Muffriend

Quaff is when you waft a queef directly at yourself
Donald Trump quaffed Nancy Pelosi's queef right at himself
by Muffriend February 12, 2021
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When you are having anal sex with your partner and when you pull out, their anus is stays on you cock like a pink sock 🧦.
Good way to keep your fireman warm during the winter months and for those who do not have winter, it may be a little too hot for you “Murphy Johnson and Sons”-“Twig and Twins”-“Tool and Truffles”-Penis and Testicles”or“Cock-Eggs”.
My “Murphy Johnson & Sons” was so “Chili” when outside of my girl’s chili ring that it created a long pink sock that is shaped like a tube using only her rectum; which is the concluding part of the large intestine with a full career change, and now fully certified and working full time as a stinky, rubbery, tube sock 🧦 for penis(s).
by Muffriend April 27, 2022
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Feekiflick:(American Colorado, origin) (Verb, an action) Fee-key-flick

The act of pushing out a marble sized piece of fecal matter, then using your turd-cutter to pinch it off, after which you put on the nail of your dominant Hand’s middle finger, draw finger back and flick as hard as you can. (Most commonly used against people, but not unusual to be used against animals, environments etc.)
TIP: Press turd marble firm enough for it to stick to the nail, but, soft enough to stay as spherical as possible. ⚠️WARNING ⚠️ Do not attempt to “Feekieflick” with soft feekie or diarrhea feekie, this can lead to a terrible mess and stains.
He pissed me off so I pinched a marble from a crap-loaf, and used the “Feekieflick” method to stick a turd nugget right between his mouth and nose.
by Muffriend April 27, 2022
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