3 definitions by Ms Linguis

The syndrome where a switch in the brain of fully capable woman turns off and she regresses back to a four year old playing with numerous Barbies whom only share one Ken doll. This usually happens under extreme stress when adult thinking is required yet she insists on obsessing over her hair, makeup, nails and clothes. Or, scrapping with her female colleagues, thereby letting the men get ahead.
When attempting to solve mathematical problems, I am suddenly afflicted with Barbie Syndrome. Barbie Syndrome rears its ugly head when I can't find the other shoe.
by Ms Linguis March 14, 2018
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White Anglo Saxon Protestant Asshole. Usually male, but could be female if she's assholish enough.
Generally, a Waspole is any heterosexual White male asshole of Anglo Saxon and Protestant (United, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) descent who insists that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the(ir) world and anybody else who claims injustice (usually at the hands of them) is just plain whining or insane.
by Ms Linguis March 13, 2018
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Any parade (military or otherwise) orchestrated by Donald Trump.
Trump's military parade is a Charade Parade.
by Ms Linguis March 13, 2018
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