3 definitions by Mrobbiefan69

better known as DAT ASS! Until she turns around then your like DEM TITSSSSS!

Generally nice, caring, tall, with a pornstar's body. They often come in Brunette with tan skin, but the most rare one comes in Blonde with blue eyes.
Bro did you see that ass?
Naw bro you should see her rack

Well she is an Alex Marie so no surprise there
by Mrobbiefan69 September 22, 2017
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That smoke show who won't let you hit it because she "has a boyfriend." And you think about her rejection every time you watch A Wolf on Wallstreet where that small fat guy says "I'd let that girl give me aids;" as he starts to fap away at Margot Robbie.
Guy #1: Dude did you do it, did you hit Alessandra

Guy#2: No, she wouldn't let me
Guy #1: Do you want to watch Wolf on Wallstreet? It'll make you feel better
by Mrobbiefan69 September 22, 2017
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