1 definition by MrNotASn1per

Most of them are good people, but I have noticed some things women have said on the site and a lot of the definitions for men on this site are very sexist.

Some sexist women on this site seem to think we are all the same. We aren't. Believe it or not we are not all sex-crazed rapist maniacs or bloodthirsty warmongerers. Most men can keep their urges under control and satisfy them with porn and masturbation, most of us don't want or need to rape women because it is a horrible thing to do. Most of us don't want to murder people or start wars because it only causes suffering, the people who do these things are horrible human beings. Most of us don't think we are better than women, we see them as equals. I don't know why people think we don't, my parents always told me to respect women and see them as equals.

Of course some men are assholes and sexists and i won't deny this, every possible group in the world has assholes, it is unavoidable because it is in human nature to be an asshole. Some women are also assholes and sexists like the people above.

But I don't get why all of the definitions for men seem to be negative, while the ones for women are so glorifying and praising.

Men and women are equal but different. Two sides of the same coin. Two opposites who need each other.

Now, this was a very long post but it's been on my mind for a long time, so let's just stop all of this and love each other a little more.
Most men do not think women are "Cum dumpsters", "Bitches", "Whores" or"Kitchen sluts". The good ones (The majority, at least in the western world, I wouldn't really know how it is in other cultures because I don't live in a place with those cultures.) respect them and view them as equals.
by MrNotASn1per April 28, 2016
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