1 definition by MrEpic185

an AUTTP user is short for Anti U-Tube Troll Police, these goobers usually just make fake stuff like "COOLHOUSE GAMING1132 PLAYED AMONG US IN 2023!1!!!!11!!1" these kids are usually around the age of 5-10 and try to terminate the UTTP, but miserably fail, every single time they try. and they are basically make "STINKY POO POO HEAD ADD ROUND 1" or "CLASKY CSUPO EFFECTS PREVIEW" and they basically use kinemaster for every video they make. they also cant even take a joke and get really... REALLY! mad at it and try to cancel the person who said the joke like "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and they go "HE GOT RAN OVER!!!!!!! IM GONNA TELL MY 102 SUBSCRIBERS!!111!!"
some examples on what AUTTP users do.

"IM CHANGING MY OPINION ON (user here) BECAUSE (reason here)!!!"

"Everyone Fights Bad Users Add round 2763"

"I SHOOT (user here)"
by MrEpic185 July 16, 2023
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