18 definitions by Mr.OVERWIT

DestrOverwit, is a sophisticated way to come up with a evil plot to destroy someone or something!
I think the Coronavirus was another super sneaky destroVERWIT created to control the population!
by Mr.OVERWIT March 19, 2020
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overwit babymomma: Is an extremely masculine, negative, modern women who thrives off being evil to her child(s) father.
My overwit babymomma didn’t let me see my kid for 9months because I didn’t put her name in the deed of “my” house.

Any women that uses a child as a weapon towards the child’s father, is a tier 1 overwit babymomma!

Why should overwit babymommas be able to put men on child support, especially when they are 100% in the child’s life!

Overwit babymommas are destroying homes and the traditional way kids are supposed to be raised.
by Mr.OVERWIT December 15, 2021
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2020overwit; The year of 2020 is one of the most devastating years in history.
Starting in January when Kobe, his daughter and others died on the helicopter, it was the beginning of 2020overwit!

With all of the deaths from COVID-19 and police brutality, this year is easily labeled 2020overwit.

2020overwit, the year of a horrific pandemic and systemic racism!
by Mr.OVERWIT June 14, 2020
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OVERWIT Breath: A person that has some serious breath issues, no matter how much they brush, chew gum or gargle (Listerine) their breath is horrible.
Candis always in my face with that overwit breath, she cool but I'm gonna have to let her know asap!

Is it me or do people with the worst case of overwit breath love talking close to your face?

I thought this girl was the sexiest creature alive but when we started talking, I realized she has a 2018 version of overwit breath!
by Mr.OVERWIT January 20, 2018
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