31 definitions by Mr. Zimpy

a whiney, annoying, angsty, poser, who is from the suburbs and has a tough life because they either been grounded by their parents or they lost their i-pod. There is no difference between emo boys and girls, they both look and act the same. If you see an emo you should beat the fuck out off them and tell them tha they are just a rip-off of Goth.
Emo is the cancer that is killing
by Mr. Zimpy November 22, 2009
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The best show on nickelodeon, it never had a bad episode, was always funny, and it kicked ass. Problem is that nickelodeon turned into a suckass preteen bullshit station and had to cancel it cause they don't like quality shows.
Rocko's Modern Life was the best show ever, and I'll beat the shit out of anyone who says otherwise!
by Mr. Zimpy November 22, 2009
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I remember this show. It was a failed attempt by 40 year olds who live with their mothers to try and emulate cool. That cartoon was impossibly stupid, every character was annoying, the cool catchphrases were stupid (what the fuck is a shooby?), and I really wanted to murder that annoying twister kid, what a fucking retard.
Rocket Power sucked
by Mr. Zimpy December 29, 2010
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