3 definitions by Mr. Oapostrophe

1. The act of sleeping through television commercials, waking only to watch the program.
2. Sleeping through television programs you dislike.
Scott: Did you see those new Super Bowl commercials?
Jim: No, I SleepVoed it.

Jack: Wanna watch the fight tonight?
Bill: My girl wants me to stay home and watch her movie, so I'm going to SleepVo until it's over.
Jack: Nice.
by Mr. Oapostrophe August 24, 2011
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1. The feeling that is achieved by smoking marijuana and drinking coffee.

2. State of awareness, being both high and alert.
Jerry: Dude, that was some great weed; how're you functioning?
Bill: I downed some coffee, now I'm highwake.
by Mr. Oapostrophe August 28, 2011
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1. A derriere that's barely there.

2. A very small butt.

3. A bony bottom.
Jon: Yo check out that bareiere!
Bill: Where?
Jon: Right there!
Bill: Oh, it was so small I didn't see it...
by Mr. Oapostrophe August 12, 2011
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