4 definitions by Mr. Mustache

The greatest fucking band in the history of the world.
“Did you listen to Pilot by Stooped?”
“Yeah, it’s was the greatest thing I’ve ever heard!”
by Mr. Mustache February 14, 2023
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A white guy with an ugly perm. Someone who is like cool in a suburban white high school
“Dude you look like a carpethead with your new haircut
“Yeah man, my barber fucked me up”
by Mr. Mustache February 14, 2023
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to properly grow and groom with pride your facial hair, for the sole purpose of being noticed and fame on flashyourstache.com
1) "Damn, that growth is awesome, go flashyourstache!"

2) "Yo that girl is hot, flashyourstache!"
by Mr. Mustache October 11, 2007
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n. A smelly faggot. Not derogatory towards homosexuals, mainly towards lame people, regardless of body odor.
Instead of going to the park with his friends, Charles stayed home to pet his bearded dragon...what a SMAGGET.
by Mr. Mustache April 21, 2012
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