2 definitions by Mr. Constipation

When a driver honks his/her horn at an attractive pedestrian as a compliment. Honkliments are usually offered by men as they drive by a hot girl.
As the black seden sped past, the driver briefly tapped his horn. Melissa shyly smiled at the honkliment.

"Dude, honk your horn at her as you go by. She deserves the honkliment."
by Mr. Constipation July 4, 2009
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A cigarette consumed by the user in an attempt to ease bowel movements.
"I'll take my turn in the bathroom in a couple minutes right after I smoke a shitarette."

"Want to finish this half-smoked grit? I just needed a quick shitarette and it already did the trick."

"Get out of the bathroom!" yelled Jeff as he shut the front door and removed his jacket, having just returned -- buttcheeks clenched -- from his morning shitarette.
by Mr. Constipation April 20, 2009
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