32 definitions by Mr. X

A word in which one can describe extreme to mild frustration or anger to someone or something. (Mostly used in AIM or other instant messenger conversations).
Bob: Napoleon Dynamite is sold out and is too expensive to buy!

Jake; Ack!
by Mr. X December 28, 2005
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One of the greatest forums ever. Only the most hardcore post there and are accepted into the ranks. Some of the most notable members are Dracova, SuicideKing, Zukon, Vicious, Marflord, and of course amitrius17.
i joined fantsayanimes forum but was left becuase everybody made fun of my grammar.
by Mr. X January 8, 2005
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Ok i think the real issue in this school is the BBC. Wow probably the biggest bunch of faggots i have ever seen. A bunch of freshman who think they are big tough guys. I mean really guys... how many times do u have to get ur ass kicked before you get the picture. You all can talk so much shit when your with your "gang" but would get ur ass kicked by almost anyone in the school. I have never seen a BBC thug superstar start anything by himself cuz he knows hell get his face beat in. I mean everyone in theis school is acting childish and for some reason all the shit coems down on TR. I mean they jsut a group of kids doing what they liek to do. They dont even claim to be a legit racing team with fast cars. The funny thing is all those little freshman who think they are bad asses because they learned how to smoke a cig and where bandanas.... I mean damnit guys this is Amesbury get a fucking clue.
I do not favor either side, cuz i dont know any of these guys... but the damn freshamn are jsut makin themsleves look like fools... please go get ur asses kicked one more time and drop out now to save us some time...
by Mr. X April 30, 2004
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An insulting term for someone who is simultaneously a "douche"
(i.e., an asshole, jerk, jackass) and a "retard." Expresses both unpleasantness of personality AND stupidity at once.
That asshole is too dumb to even come up with a coherent insult. What a douchetard.
by Mr. X April 4, 2005
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Slapstick Humor. The type of humor the sidekick in Disney movies portrays such as Sebastian in the Little Mermaid. Or when Homer Simpson hits his head and says "Doh!" The lowest type of Humor.
That movie had so much riley humor in it!
by Mr. X June 15, 2004
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French word meaning "to clear the caterpillars off of" Let's see you try and find a better word than that!
Il fallait, main, boucher l'entonnoir et, de lubrifier les petits conduits, sarcler le terroir et greffer le sauvageon, écheniller et provigner tout à la fois.
by Mr. X December 2, 2004
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The bitch who hired a hitman to kill Kurt Cobain. That freakin' bitch.
Mr. X: Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain?
Mr. Q: Seems so.
Mr. X: Bitch.
by Mr. X December 5, 2004
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