1 definition by Mr. Omnis

n. pawn

1. Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty.
2. The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan: jewels in pawn.
3. A person serving as security; a hostage.
4. The act of pawning.

tr.v. pawned, pawn·ing, pawns

1. To give or deposit (personal property) as security for the payment of money borrowed.
2. To risk; hazard: pawn one's honor.

Those are the proper definitions.

Now for Pawnage itself:

Defined as,
- A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank.
- A person or an entity used to further the purposes of another

In the second example, we can see how the idea of "Pawnage" can be used as a legitimate meaning behind "Pawned", "Pwned", or otherwise. Those whom you own contribute to your score in games, your social status in person, or whatever else you can apply it to. Thus, you're using someone as a pawn for your overall benefit.
"I went to the Pawn Shop to pawn my jewelery."
"I pawned this guy on CS:S."
"You are actually more elite if you've used pawn instead of pwn for the reasons behind my (the, actually) definition."
by Mr. Omnis August 21, 2005
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