2 definitions by Mr Wizanski


Having short and uncontrollable bursts of anger which usually involves some sort of electrical device becoming unusable or broken.

This condition has not had enough research to be able to say whether it is contagious or not. we hope not :
The best example of C.A.S in full swing is made by Ashleigh 'always sleeping, always toasting' Barnes.

Lets just say the laptop threw the first punch shall we? ;
by Mr Wizanski April 21, 2008
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when you wake up in the morning and you hate your life... that is H.M.L.S. Or hate my life syndrome as it is also known.

it is also possible for certain individuals to contract this horrible condition during the middle of the day.

Take Durdey for example, constant H.M.L.S. =
*wakes up in the morning* "argh! H.M.L.S!"


"hate my life!"
by Mr Wizanski March 13, 2008
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