7 definitions by Mr

1. To wander in search of some form of merriment or pleasure.
2. To play around amorously; flirt
I want to galavant about the park with a hot blonde.
by Mr May 24, 2004
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the stuff that hangs out of ur pants if ur cool
guys sag their pants to show their underwear
by Mr August 1, 2003
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squuzme mistr ken juu tell de fay tu de roosian embassi?
by Mr March 12, 2004
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A common white trash greeting similar to saying "good day to you kind sir"
Mooliepetcunt there Tugboat, have a frosty PBR.
by Mr January 5, 2005
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The improper plural form of the word calamari. This is used primary by the French-Lebanese man unfamiliar with the English language.
Improper - Calamaris are yummy!
Proper - Calamari is yummy!
by Mr May 7, 2003
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When something is put off until the next day indefinatly, it will never get accomplished.
If discussion of a George Orwell novel is put off until tomorrow everyday, it will never get discussed, hence the Orwell Dilemma.
by Mr May 24, 2004
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An derogatory verb describing a wealthy high school kid that received a brand new Honda instead of a BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac, or other luxury car on their 16th birthday.
"Bro, did you get the new S-Class?" "Nah, I got Hondaed!"
by Mr November 18, 2015
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