28 definitions by Moses

The condition of believing that one group, most often one the prejudor belongs to, is superior to another group. Most often applies in a negative manner, against those of different race, religion, creed, and nationality. see stereotype, anti-semetism, racism.
Hating people because they're black, gay, Jewish, Muslim, or whatever doesn't make much sense. You can easily find ways to hate people on an individual basis.
by Moses June 16, 2004
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Usually in reference to one's palm and is generally accompanied with her five friends (i.e. one's fingers). The term is usually used in reference to masturbation on the male's part.
Guy 1: You have a date with Rosey last night?
Guy 2: Hell yeah! Rosey is such a slut. She brought her five friends along too. It was an orgy!
by Moses February 4, 2004
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A sex move invented by my ex-roomate Harry. This is when you wake a girl up, just in time for her to be awake when you cum either on her face or on her chest.
Dude, that bitch had it coming, so I pulled a Harry on her in the morning.
by Moses February 4, 2004
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It is when a male takes a shit in the mouths of multiple girls at the same time - as they lie side by side in a row. It is also a symbolic gesture against current US foreign policies. This was perfected by an individual named Brandon at an Anti-War rally, and thus his initials are represented in the name.
All them bitches were lined up for a BL Bomber!


Damn, looks like Iraq is getting a BL Bomber!
by Moses February 4, 2004
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Came from Pete's experiences with his butthole and random sticks

= Sticking any objects in the hole of one's anus, like a butt plug
Pete uses bum sticks
by Moses June 6, 2004
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A person who advocates immediate, drastic change, often using violence. On far left of political spectrum, opposite of a reactionary.
Why do people not like the concept of revolutions in other countries? The United States was created because of a revolution, and we turned out alright.
by Moses June 16, 2004
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