3 definitions by MosbeyBarney

Everybody's favorite Thick Skinned ace detective! Detective Pardo is on the search for the most cunning of all the criminals the Miami Mutilator using only his rugged good looks and his thick skin. He also kills a few degenerates along the way.
Manny Pardo was born with THICK SKIN!
Remember that time the ace detective killed Tony and his concerning thin skin?
by MosbeyBarney June 6, 2019
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The brilliant Evan Wright also known as The Writer and even Batman is friends with handsome detective Manny Pardo. Evan covered a story on the Masked Maniac instead of the far more sophisticated Miami Mutilator. The Writer also was in Nam back in 1985. Evan also cleared a bathhouse filled with Russian Mobsters without killing any of em (that first guy was totally sleeping). Batman also cleared a subway crawling with scum and persevered without a scratch.
Remember that time Evan Wright hung out with the Thick Skinned Detective Pardo?
Remember that time Evan Wright took out a dangerous gang in a subway by himself?
by MosbeyBarney July 17, 2019
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Another name for Detective Pardo while he is on the hunt for the Miami Mutilator or taking down degenerates that want their fifteen minutes of Fame.
Remember when the Ace Detective cleared out a cargo ship full of Columbian scum only relying on his rugged good looks and THICK SKIN?
Remember when the Ace Detective used his THICK SKIN to survive that nuclear warhead?
by MosbeyBarney June 18, 2019
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