6 definitions by Mortay

A YouTuber who is currently on track with his carreer, and knows what to do in the event of a wild Ricegum encounter
Strictly not to be confused with Ricegum (A complete idiot).
Peep 1: Broo who won iDubbbz or Ricegum?
Peep 2: iDubbbz obviously. Ricegum isn't even on his GHOSTWRITERS level.
by Mortay January 10, 2018
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A dead meme is, not to be confused with dead memey (adjective), a meme that has lost popularity just as I lost faith in this earth.
That meme be so dead my boi. It is a dead meme
by Mortay January 9, 2018
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A stuck up YouTuber who thinks he's cool because he has 8M subscribers.
Strictly not to be confused with iDubbbz (an actually productive person).
Bro doesn't Ricegum suck?
by Mortay January 10, 2018
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A word to describe the lowest of the low. A bad person. The thing that causes racism. All that "jazz" (I'm not sorry)
Peep 1: Hey bro you hear about the fuckboy and school?
by Mortay February 18, 2018
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One who experiences both sadness and depression, but never at the same time.
I'm a saddession
by Mortay January 16, 2018
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KOS(v.) is usually used in an Unturned RP server or a game of GMod murder. It stands for Kill On Sight.
Person 1: I just got KOS 'ed
Person 2: Me too! Stupid KOSer
by Mortay January 9, 2018
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