10 definitions by Morkus Morkus

Rather self explanatory.

The smell that emanates from a dirty and unwashed sexual organ of a male homo sapien.
I went camping and didn't shower for 3 days by which point my horrendous dick stink was stinging my nostrils.
by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018
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The artificial vagina of someone who has had surgery to turn their male sex organ into a non functional version of female genitalia. Known for being particularly dry and decrepit.
Person A: I engaged in sexual relations with a post-op tranny last night.
Person B: Intriguing. How was his trangina?
Person A: As you would expect. Dry and decrepit.
Person B: Obviously. I don't know why I even asked.
by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018
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An extremely runny excretion of faeces emanating from within the human body, and expelled from the rear end via the anus.
Don't go in there! I just painted the bowl with a sloppy jalopy!
by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018
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