5 definitions by Montez

The brooding, depressing feeling that overtakes you upon realizing that the object of your desire doesn't return your affection.
"When Captain Whiskers ran away from home I was so heartbroken....."
"I thought everything was going great, and then she suggested that I meet her boyfriend because she thought we would get along really well. I was pretty heartbroken."
"I became very heartbroken when the girl I had a crush on told me every painful, depraved, and humiliating detail of her sexual history."
by Montez May 8, 2003
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Taking a shit in the upper tank of a toilet. Also known as "2000 Flushes Brown" and "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
The people at that fondue party were such fuckin' pricks that I had no choice but to give 'em the old upper tanker.
by Montez May 8, 2003
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Having a one night stand, then taking a shit on your sleeping partner's chest before leaving.
"What happened with that girl you hooked up with last night?"
"She passed out half way through, so I gave her a Cleaveland Steamer and took off"
by Montez May 8, 2003
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A great arcade game which involved killing everything in sight. I think it might have had something to do with drugs. Also, the Pixies covered the theme song.
"My parents feared for my future because I thought running down crackheads with a corvette was fun."
by Montez June 27, 2003
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Did you see that girl over there? She’s a complete dweetle.
by Montez February 26, 2018
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