1 definition by MonkeyBoy789

Clarrence is an optimistic person who cares about the people around him. He loves worldly affairs like environmental sustainability and politics, where he aims to show concern to the masses. In his free time, he likes to hangout with his friends because he’s quite a sociable person.

Although he may act nonchalant on the outside, he will get happy when receiving compliments about his attractiveness. He is also a simple guy who dresses in simple clothing like a black t-shirt and jeans, but still manages to stand out amongst his peers.

The extra R in his name makes him more assertive than others to stand firmly for the ideals that he believes strongly in.
A: "hey! I need advice on an environmental issue, who do I go to?"
B: "you should go to clarrence!"
by MonkeyBoy789 January 18, 2021
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