1 definition by MochaWolfOnline

The weeaboo is a person infected with the weeaboo parvovirus. The virus is transmitted through mangas, animes, and long exposure to infected persons. You can get a weeaboo vaccine at any Wallgreens. The weeaboo parvovirus is highly contagious, vaccines are required by law. The weeaboo parvovirus in early stages shrinks the brain, causing major learning deficiencies and blocking any chance of a reality check. The later stages causes hair dying, retardation, illiteracy in japanese, dressing like a freak, running in an awkward position, or even death by suicide when reality checks work. Treatment includes speech therapy, socialization, heavy teaching, weaning of Japanese dishes, and destruction of manga/anime collections.
"Careful, son! You don't want t to become a weeaboo!"
by MochaWolfOnline November 18, 2016
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