1 definition by Mksbrn

A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), using aspects of the game in unintended ways. To qualify as griefing, a player must be using aspects of the game in unintended ways to annoy other players.

In racing games it could be driving the wrong way.
In shooters it could be killing your own teammates.

Simply playing the game in a way it isn't meant to be played, just to annoy other players.

Griefing is luckily a bannable offence in most online multiplayer games.
A: I ran into a griefer the other day.
B: What did he do?
A: He kept spawn killing me so I couldn't play the game. I had to find another lobby.
B: Griefers sucks.. I ran into one last week, he kept driving the wrong way just to ram into people to annoy them.
A: Good thing griefing is bannable
by Mksbrn May 11, 2020
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